CEO’S Message

DHISHA GLOBAL EDUCATION SERVICES is a fast growing educational consultant with a family-friendly atmosphere, a strong dedication to customer satisfaction, and a drive to provide positive support. We love to work on exciting and complex programs that span the depths of the ocean to the furthest corners of the universe. Here at DHISHA our business operations and culture are anchored in our core values and characteristics. It is our firm belief that by embracing these values, we will achieve success:


Leaders set objectives and define the direction for the group. Leaders create and embrace change and set the example. Leaders are committed to professional development starting at the lowest levels of the company. Leaders demonstrate initiative, and follow through.


Those with integrity possess strong moral character, exhibit consistency between words and deeds, and do what’s right. They establish trust by demonstrating honesty, ethical behavior, and accountability.

Customer Relationship/Loyalty

Customer focus is demonstrated by responsive, dependable, empathetic advocacy of customer’s needs, goals, and objectives thereby creating positive word of mouth advertising about Millennium.


Effective communicators set clear objectives with explicit, measurable, goals and a realistic timeframe for achievement. They are available and approachable, and demand performance while providing constructive evaluation and feedback.

The Project

Why study abroad?

First of all, it's going to make you much more marketable, because more and more companies are realizing that they need people with experiences around the globe, who can speak different languages,

The Project

Education Loan

Some other Top Education Loan Providers in India to study abroad on similar terms as that of Allahabad Bank Education Loan are

The Project

Benefits of studying abroad

Merit-Based Scholarship, Need-Based Scholarship , External Scholarship.


Main Background

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